Perspective article out in Nature, π-HuB: the proteomic navigator of the human body
- Post by: OPL
- December 12, 2024
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Exciting times for proteomics, especially in China. The π-HuB project (https://www.pi-hub.org.cn/) will receive several billion yuan over the next 10 years. This great support will catalyze proteomics of the intricate biology of the human body in its many potential states, at unprecedented resolution and scale with transformative implications for health and medicine. Importantly, this big-science endeavour will be done in international collaboration. Last month’s meetings in Hangzhou (Westlake Symposium on The Future of Proteomics organized by Professor Tiannan Guo) and Guangzhou (π-HuB council meeting) were very inspiring. I am happy to contribute to this exciting project and be part of a visionary community that is shaping the future of proteomics.
π-HuB: the proteomic navigator of the human body
He F, Aebersold R, Baker MS, Bian X, Bo X, Chan DW, Chang C, Chen L, Chen X, Chen YJ, Cheng H, Collins BC, Corrales F, Cox J, E W, Van Eyk JE, Fan J, Faridi P, Figeys D, Gao GF, Gao W, Gao ZH, Goda K, Goh WWB, Gu D, Guo C, Guo T, He Y, Heck AJR, Hermjakob H, Hunter T, Iyer NG, Jiang Y, Jimenez CR, Joshi L, Kelleher NL, Li M, Li Y, Lin Q, Liu CH, Liu F, Liu GH, Liu Y, Liu Z, Low TY, Lu B, Mann M, Meng A, Moritz RL, Nice E, Ning G, Omenn GS, Overall CM, Palmisano G, Peng Y, Pineau C, Poon TCW, Purcell AW, Qiao J, Reddel RR, Robinson PJ, Roncada P, Sander C, Sha J, Song E, Srivastava S, Sun A, Sze SK, Tang C, Tang L, Tian R, Vizcaíno JA, Wang C, Wang C, Wang X, Wang X, Wang Y, Weiss T, Wilhelm M, Winkler R, Wollscheid B, Wong L, Xie L, Xie W, Xu T, Xu T, Yan L, Yang J, Yang X, Yates J, Yun T, Zhai Q, Zhang B, Zhang H, Zhang L, Zhang L, Zhang P, Zhang Y, Zheng YZ, Zhong Q, Zhu Y; π-HuB Consortium. Nature. 2024 Dec;636(8042):322-331.