
KWF grant awarded for CRC phosphoproteomics

  • October 12, 2014
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KWF grant awarded “Signaling pathways involved in colorectal adenoma-to-carcinoma progression“ Project leaders: Beatriz Carvalho, Connie Jimenez and Gerrit Meijer Despite extensive knowledge of the colorectal cancer (CRC) genome in general and the molecular mechanisms in colorectal adenoma to carcinoma progression in particular, it is still unclear how the complex genomic aberrations converge on cellular signaling […]

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OPL hosts a meeting on colims on May 8th

  • April 9, 2014
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Please join us on Thursday May 8th from 13:00 until 17:00 for a proteomics (bioinformatics) meeting in Amsterdam. The main topic of this fourth DTL Focus meeting will be colims, a new system for storing mass spectrometry based proteomics data. The system is being developed by the group of Lennart Martens (at Ghent University) and several members of […]

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Alpes d’HuZes multi-center project funded: Improving clinical management of colon cancer through CONNECTION, a nation-wide Colon Cancer Registry and Stratification effort

  • March 12, 2014
  • Comments off VUmc press release: Darmkankerpatiënten waarbij de tumor in een vroeg stadium wordt ontdekt en succesvol verwijderd, hebben nog steeds een 20 % kans dat de tumor terugkeert. Het is lastig te bepalen hoe je deze groep patiënten optimaal moet behandelen. Enerzijds reduceert ondersteunende chemotherapie de kans dat de ziekte terugkeert, maar niet bij alle […]

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