

Prof. dr. Connie R. Jimenez
Head OncoProteomics Laboratory
RDC-gebouw, kamer ZH 2J 087
Van der Boechorststraat 6
1081 BT Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Phone: +31(0)20-4442340
Fax: +31-204443844

Sample shipping

IMPORTANT: Sending parcels to the OPL

For a proper delivery of parcels sent to the OPL, it is essential to use the right address. Therefore, please use the address given below:

VU medisch centrum
Afdeling Medische Oncologie/OncoProteomics Lab/ Proteomics Core Resource
T.a.v. Dr. J.C. Knol (Tel. 020-44 46998)
RDC-gebouw, kamer ZH 2J 089
Van der Boechorststraat 6
1081 BT Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Visit us – route description

Directions to VUmc (pdf)

Location OPL in the cancer research building of the VUmc-Cancer Center Amsterdam:

The OPL labs are located on the first floor (internal phone number between brackets, prefix with +31(0)20-44 for external calls) :

Mass spec lab: CCA 1-47 (tel: 46696)
OPL team: CCA 1-46 (tel: 46998)
Connie Jimenez: CCA 1-60 (tel: 42340)
Protein wet lab: CCA 1-53 (tel: 46974)

VUmc building layout